Task 4- What is the effect of the scene on the audience? Use as many theories in your answer as possible to show you understanding of these theories.
Hyperaemic needle is one of the effects the texts has on a passive audience as the institutions/producers are able to inject there ideologies on to the audience. The ideological messages that come from this particular scene are that violence and crime is acceptable this is shown by the number of people who are engaging in this activity. It’s also highlighted by the emphasises being a big gangster who is shooting rounds and rounds of ammunition and his gun signifies power, respect and loyalty these are some of the ideological messages the director want the audience to take in.
Desensitisation can also be applied to this piece of text as the audience for a good one minute are exposed to violence in the form of gun shots and shooting emphased by the loud deigetic sounds and people being killed which suggest that if a passive audience who don’t question the significant of this type of violence are constantly exposed to this type of violence it will become normal in society and in other media products.
In addition the copy cat theory can also be applied to this text as the indented audience (target audience) for this film Scarface is males and females above the age of 18. However it also appeals to a younger audience as young as 14 years old have been exposed to this particular text. Exposure to this type of material without censorship is damaging to society as young people will not be mature enough to question the text and therefore be passive to the ideological messages that they pick up from the text such as being violence allows you to get your way and that its normal walking around shooting people. This will lead to kids modelling the protagonist and forgetting that the text is fictional and there have been cases were violence acts that have taken place in society have been influenced by this particular text.
Lastly the cultivation theory can also be applied to this particular text as a constant exposure to violence such as films such as Scarface and other films which have violence can lead to it having a negative effect on the audience and society as these acts of violence, sex and even drugs may become normal in society as the theory means the audience are unable to draw the line between fiction and reality.
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